Working Papers, Commentaries and Newspaper Articles
- The Granada Summit of the European Political Community: Ambition or Oblivion? (Co-authored with Mathieu Droin) – Center for Strategic & International Studies (October 2023)
- The EU Isn’t Ready for Ukraine to Join (Co-authored with Max Bergmann) Foreign Policy (July 2023)
- The Chisinau Summit: A Litmus Test for Moldova and the EPC (Co-authored with Mathieu Droin) – Center for Strategic & International Studies (May 2023)
- A Continent Forged in Crisis: Assessing Europe One Year into the War (Co-authored with Max Bergmann and Otto Svendsen) – Center for Strategic & International Studies (February 2023, English)
- Transatlantic Cooperation to Counterbalance China Needs More Nuances – Center for Strategic & International Studies (December 2022, English)
- The rise of mega-regions (Co-authored with Zachary Paikin, Martin Quencez and Stephen R. Nagy) – Center for European Policy Studies (December 2022, English)
- Flexible ‘EU-centricness’ is the key ingredient to ensure the European Political Community’s success – Center for European Policy Studies (October 2022, English)
- Who Should the United States Call in Europe? (Co-authored with Max Bergmann) – Center for Strategic & International Studies (October 2022, English)
- Competing options for EU enlargement – EUobserver (June 2022, English)
- After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Unity is good, but ambition is better (Co-authored with Sophie Pornschlegel) – European Policy Center (June 2022, English)
- Why is there no place for strategic ambiguity this time around on the European continent? – German Institute for International and Security Affairs (March 2022, English)
- Turkey’s foreign policy and its consequences for the EU (Co-authored with Funda Tekin, Eduard Soler i Lecha and Nicholas Danforth) – European Parliament, Directorate-General for External Policies (February 2022, English)
- A New Way Forward for EU-Turkey Relations – Carnegie Europe (January 2022, English)
- How to ‘Europeanise’ the upcoming French EU presidency? (Co-authored with Nicoletta Pirozzi and Funda Tekin) – EUobserver (December 2021, English)
- What’s in the German ballot box for European integration? Continuity and change (Co-authored with Funda Tekin) – Real Instituto Elcano (October 2021, English)
- Embracing Biden’s Democracy Agenda? Start with Turkey – German Institute for International and Security Affairs (June 2021, English)
- Can the Conference on the Future of Europe prevent another #SofaGate? – Real Instituto Elcano (May 2021, English)
- ‘We finally have our Conference on the Future of Europe!’: now, what do we do with it? – Real Instituto Elcano (March 2021, English)
- After the European Council: is there a formula for stability with an unpredictable Turkey? – Real Instituto Elcano (March 2021, English)
- No Easy Reset: Time for Europe to Clarify Its Relationship with Turkey – German Institute for International and Security Affairs (February 2021, English)
- The Portuguese Presidency: striking the balance between unfinished business and leaving its own mark (Co-authored with Nicoletta Pirozzi and Funda Tekin) – Real Instituto Elcano (January 2021, English)
- The Impact of the Biden Administration on Turkey-EU Relations (Co-authored with Kadri Tastan) – The German Marshall Fund of the United States (December 2020, English)
- Turkey, the EU and the Eastern Mediterranean Crisis – Militarization of Foreign Policy and Power Rivalry (Co-authored with Sinem Adar) – German Institute for International and Security Affairs (December 2020, English)
- Customs Union: Old Instrument, New Function in EU-Turkey Relations (Co-authored with Sinem Adar et al.) – German Institute for International and Security Affairs (October 2020, English)
- EUCO diaries: will the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean lead to a watershed? – Real Instituto Elcano (October 2020, English)
- Turkey and Spain: bilateral relations and the road ahead for Customs Union modernisation – Real Instituto Elcano (September 2020, English)
- Las elecciones municipales en Estambul de junio del 2019: ¿Algo más que unos simples comicios? (The municipal elections in Istanbul in June 2019: More than just a simple election?) – Anuario Internacional CIDOB (June 2020, Spanish)
- Un llamamiento a la presidencia alemana: invierta con valentía e inteligencia en el futuro de Europa (Co-authored with Nicoletta Pirozzi and Funda Tekin) – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2020, Spanish)
- A plea for the German Presidency: invest boldly and smartly in the future of Europe (Co-authored with Nicoletta Pirozzi and Funda Tekin) – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2020, English)
- No coronavirus diplomacy could solely revitalize Turkey-EU relations – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2020, English)
- Expectations, competences and power: understanding the dynamics of EU institutions in tackling the COVID-19 crisis and setting the tone for the Conference on the Future of Europe – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2020, English)
- The EU, coronavirus and crisis management: is ‘solidarity’ real or just a prop? – Real Instituto Elcano (March 2020, English)
- Why the EU should not opt for another refugee deal with Turkey with no shared responsibility (Co-authored with Seda Gürkan) – Real Instituto Elcano (March 2020, English)
- La UE entre sus ambiciones del siglo XXI y su presupuesto (The EU between its ambitions of the 21st century and its budget) – Real Instituto Elcano (February 2020, Spanish)
- España y la oportunidad escondida en el Brexit (Spain and the hidden opportunity in Brexit) – El Mundo (January 2020, Spanish)
- Is it time to negotiate a complementary framework for Turkey-EU relations? – Istanpol (January 2020, English)
- Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde tamamlayıcı bir çerçevenin zamanı geldi mi? – Istanpol (January 2020, Turkish)
- Optimismo para Turquía (Optimism for Turkey) – El País (June 2019, Spanish)
- Sánchez must snatch the Economic Vice-presidency for Spain (Co-authored with Miguel Otero-Iglesias) – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2019, English)
- Ηταν μια καλή βραδιά για τους φιλοευρωπαίους; (Was it a good night for the pro-Europeans?) – Kathimerini (June 2019, Greek)
- El despertar de España en Europa pasa por la Eurocámara (The awakening of Spain in Europe passes through the European Parliament) (Co-authored with Carlos Carnicero Urabayen) – Agenda Pública (May 2019, Spanish)
- Una Europa sin miedo (A Europe without fear) – El País (May 2019, Spanish)
- The elections to the European Parliament in perspective: three points to consider before Sunday – Real Instituto Elcano (May 2019, English)
- Spain’s influence in the European Parliament: an historical survey and predictions for the new political cycle (Co-authored with Carlos Carnicero Urabayen) – Real Instituto Elcano (May 2019, English)
- El peso de España en el Parlamento Europeo: panorama histórico y predicciones para el nuevo ciclo político (Co-authored with Carlos Carnicero Urabayen) – Real Instituto Elcano (May 2019, Spanish)
- Great power competition: la caída del multilateralismo y el liderazgo de la Unión Europea (Great power competition: the fall of multilateralism and the leadership of the European Union) – Letras Libres (March 2019, Spanish)
- Europe’s choice: what lies ahead? – Real Instituto Elcano (February 2019, English)
- Turkey’s new presidential system and a changing west: Implications for Turkish foreign policy and Turkish-West relations (Co-authored with Kemal Kirişci) – The Brookings Institution (January 2019, English)
- Turkey’s AKP and the West: Nationalism, Populism and Beyond in When Populism Meets Nationalism: Reflections on Parties in Power – ISPI (December 2018, English)
- When strongmen personalise foreign and security policy: the US and Turkey – Real Instituto Elcano (November 2018, English)
- #MiPropuesta: ‘Apostar por una política exterior común de la UE’ (#MyProposal: ‘Betting on a common European foreign policy’) – Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (October 2018, Spanish)
- As Turkish democracy declines, what’s the role for fellow NATO members? (Co-authored with Kemal Kirişci) – The Brookings Institution (July 2018, English)
- El futuro político de Turquía (The political future of Turkey) – Agenda Pública (June 2018, Spanish)
- Cambiar lo inalterable (Changing the unchangeable) – El País (June 2018, Spanish)
- Turkey’s choice: an election that might be too close to call – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2018, English)
- Turkey in and out of NATO? An instance of a turbulent alliance with Western institutions (Co-authored with Yaprak Gürsoy) – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2018, English)
- Turquía y la UE: geopolítica en un mundo cambiante (Turkey and the EU: Geopolitics in a changing world) – Política Exterior (May 2018, Spanish)
- Turkey’s snap elections: Why in such a hurry? – Real Instituto Elcano (April 2018, English)
- A guide to understanding Italy: the 2018 elections and beyond – Real Instituto Elcano (March 2018, English)
- Turquía y la Unión Europea: nunca digas nunca (Turkey and the European Union: Never say never) – Real Instituto Elcano (December 2017, Spanish)
- How to Dull Turkey’s Autocratic Edge (Co-authored with Nicholas Danforth) – Foreign Affairs (September 2017, English)
- Post-referendum Turkey and its relations with the EU – Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos (September 2017, English)
- Turquía y la crisis de la democracia (Turkey and the democracy crisis) – El País (July 2017, Spanish)
- Populism and Beyond: Electoral Challenges in the European Union – Istanbul Policy Center (July 2017, English)
- Elecciones críticas para democracias en crisis: Una reflexión (Critical elections for democracies in crisis: A reflection) – Agenda Pública (June 2017, Spanish)
- Diez claves sobre el referéndum constitucional de Turquía (Ten keys about the constitutional referendum of Turkey) (Co-authored with Eduard Soler) – Agenda Pública (April 2017, Spanish)
- Turkish constitutional referendum preview: A polarised society at a crossroads – London School of Economics (April 2017, English)
- From Istanbul to Madrid: five things to know before the Turkish constitutional referendum – Real Instituto Elcano (April 2017, English)
- Turkey’s critical constitutional referendum: an introduction – Real Instituto Elcano (March 2017, English)
- One year on: an assessment of the EU-Turkey statement on refugees (Co-authored with Bianca Benvenuti) – Real Instituto Elcano & IAI (March 2017, English)
- European institutional responses to the recent developments in Turkey: divided in unity? – Real Instituto Elcano (December 2016, English)
- From a failed coup to state of emergency: democracy in Turkey today – Real Instituto Elcano (July 2016, English)
- El golpe fracasa, pero la democracia no triunfa (The coup fails, but the democracy does not triumph) – El País (July 2016, Spanish)
- Intento de golpe de estado: Una noche muy larga para la democracia turca (Coup attempt: A very long night for the Turkish democracy) – Agenda Pública (July 2016, Spanish)
- The European Response to the Refugee Crisis: Angela Merkel on the Move (Co-authored with Bianca Benvenuti) – Istanbul Policy Center (June 2016, English)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – 5 + 1 Steps Away From Visa-Free Travel for Turkish Nationals (Co-authored with Melih Özsöz) – Heinrich Böll Stiftung (June 2016, English)
- Turkey-EU refugee deal: the Turkish public opinion dimension – Heinrich Böll Stiftung (May 2016, English)
- Stormy months on the Aegean: the refugee deal and its impact on Turkey-EU relations (Co-authored with Melih Özsöz) – Elcano Royal Institute (March 2016, English)
- Reshaping Relations in the Midst of Crises: A Bitter Anniversary for Turkey-EU Accession Negotiations (Co-authored with Melih Özsöz) – Istanbul Policy Center (March 2016, English)
- A New Era in Spanish Politics: Time to Negotiate (Co-authored with Marta Parades) – Heinrich Boell Foundation Europe (January 2016, English)
- New politics in Spain: No more two-party dominance, it is time to negotiate – Hurriyet Daily News (December 2015, English)
- How to read the next generation progress reports (Co-authored with Melih Özsöz) – Hurriyet Daily News (December 2015, English)
- Having won back his majority, Erdoğan must now focus on reuniting Turkish society – London School of Economics European Policy and Politics (EUROPP) Blog (November 2015, English)
- Unas elecciones extraordinarias, unos resultados extraordinarios: Turquia ha vuelto a la mayoria absoluta (Extraordinary elections, extraordinary results: Turkey has returned to the absolute majority) – Agenda Publica (November 2015, Spanish)
- Yeni nesil ilerleme raporlarını nasıl okumak gerekir? (How to read the new generation progress reports?) (Co-authored with Melih Özsöz) – IKV Brief Notes No:159 (November 2015, Turkish)
- Turkey-EU deal on migrant crisis: Just a tactical whitewash? (Co-authored with Melih Özsöz) – Hurriyet Daily News (October 2015, English)
- Turkey on its way to snap elections: a political gamble? – Real Instituto Elcano (September 2015, English)
- ¿Una “nueva Turquía” de coalición después de 13 años de Erdogan? (A “new Turkey” of coalition after 13 years of Erdogan?) – Agenda Publica (June 2015, Spanish)
- The ‘New Turkey’ that was not in Erdogan’s plans: the aftermath of the critical June 2015 elections – Real Instituto Elcano (June 2015, English)
- İspanya’da siyasal değişim rüzgarları – Podemos ve Ciutadans (Winds of Political Change in Spain: Podemos and Ciutadans) – Radikal Daily Newspaper (March 2015, Turkish)
- Avrupa’nın Seçimi Bölüm 2: AP Seçimleri Sonrasında Avrupa’nın Geleceği (The Choice of Europe Part II: The Future of Europe after EP Elections) – IKV Monthly Bulletin, No:192, Page:60 (May-June 2014, Turkish)
- Avrupa’nın Seçimi Bölüm 1: Krizin Kritik Seçimi (The Choice of Europe Part I: Critical Elections of the Crisis) – IKV Monthly Bulletin, No:191, Page:40 (April 2014, Turkish)
- Future of Spain, Future of Europe: A Dream or a Nightmare? – Heinrich Böll Stiftung Dossier named “Europe – the Final Countdown or Resurrection Time? Reclaiming the European Project” (Co-authored with Ignacio Molina) (December 2012, English)
- İspanya’nın Kurtarma Paketi (The Rescue Package of Spain) – IKV Monthly Bulletin, No:173, Page:38 (July – August 2012, Turkish)
- İspanya’ya Genel Bir Bakış (An Overall Analysis of Spain) – IKV Monthly Bulletin, No:170, Page:60 (March 2012, Turkish)
- İspanya’da Seçimler: Sağ mı Kazandı, Sol mu Kaybetti? (Elections in Spain: Did the Right-Wing Win or the Left-Wing Lost?) – IKV Monthly Bulletin, No:167, Page:17 (December 2011, Turkish)
- Avrupa Komisyonu’nun 2011 İlerleme Raporu: Bir Ritüelden Fazlası mı? (The European Commission’s 2011 Progress Report on Turkey: More Than Just a Hollow Ritual?) – IKV Working Paper Series, No:45 (December 2011, Turkish)
- Batıran Gidiyor (Losers go away: Elections in Spain) – Milliyet Daily Newspaper (November 2011, Turkish)
- The European Commission’s 2011 Progress Report on Turkey: more than just a hollow ritual? – Real Instituto Elcano ARI Series; 152/2011 (November 2011, English)
- Visa-Free Travel: Is It Working as an EU Foreign Policy Tool? – FRIDE Policy Brief, No: 73 (Co-authored with Zeynep Özler) (April 2011, English)
- EU – Turkey Accession Negotiation – State of Play and the Role of New Turkish Foreign Policy – Real Instituto Elcano Working Paper Series; 08/2011 (Co-authored with Mahir Ilgaz) (April 2011, English)
- “From Istanbul to Madrid towards Spanish Presidency” Başlıklı Proje Tamamlandı (“From Istanbul to Madrid towards Spanish Presidency” Project is Completed) – IKV Monthly Bulletin, No:152, Page:35 (May-June 2010, Turkish)
- Avrupa Komisyonu Lizbon Stratejisi’nin yerini alacak 2020 stratejisini kabul etti (European Commission endorsed the Europe 2020 strategy which will replace the Lisbon Strategy) – IKV Working Paper Series, No:11 (March 2010, Turkish)
- İspanya, Avrupa Birliği Dönem Başkanlığı görevini 1 Ocak 2010 itibariyle İsveç’ten devraldı (Spain took over the Presidency of the EU from Sweden as of January 1, 2010) – IKV Working Paper Series, No:5 (January 2010, Turkish)
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Informative Booklets
- Türkiye’nin Katıldığı AB Programları: Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Programı (EU Programmes in Which Turkey Is Participating: Life-Long Learning Programme) – IKV Publications, No:253, ISBN:978-605-5984-46-5 (January 2012, Turkish)
- Avrupa Projesi 2030 – Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar (Europe 2030 – Challenges & Opportunities) (Translation of the report to Turkish) – IKV Publications, No:240, ISBN:978-605-5984-36-6 (February 2011, Turkish)
- Türkiye’nin Katıldığı AB Programları: Gençlik Programı (EU Programmes in Which Turkey Is Participating: Youth Programme) – IKV Publications, No:239, ISBN:978-605-5984-31-1 (September 2010, Turkish)